Exterior visualisation of a 109 dwellings apartment building in Oviedo

Exterior visualisation and 3D architectural design of a 109 dwellings apartment building located in the urbanization of La Manjoya, in Oviedo.

The project has been developed by studio of architecture Quiroga Architects from Madrid who contacted us to make this series of three external renders to facilitate the marketing of the promotion.

As seen in the 3D images is a large real state development (109 dwellings and commercial) in which they want to show prospective buyers how the building will be and especially how will the communal area outdoors, that will have a swimming pool and paddle court.

In the renderings we have also made the environment with trees and vegetation as in the reality because as a residential area, situated on the outskirts of Oviedo, still retains much of the original landscape.

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