Virtual Reality (VR) has become the key technology this year and its use has been extended almost to all sectors.
At Bergagonzalez we now offer virtual reality for architecture and real estate development. A unique virtual experience that achieves to immerse yourself in your future project and go around freely in real time.
Send us a mail with your contact details to download the Virtual Reality file.
We generate a virtual environment in which the user moves and can see and feel the created space. The user gets a completely real vision of the project and is aware of its dimensions.
The virtual reality tool allows to achieve greater control over the project. Simply by pressing a button you can make any kind of change. You can test different finishes of floors, tiling, kitchens, toilets, taps, etc all in real time. Another of the many aspects to be controlled is the lighting. It is possible to explore the space during the day or on the contrary at night and turn on or off the lights that we find, all that you can imagine is possible.
The high quality that we offer and the use of immersive technology type Oculus Rift, Gogle Cardboard VR or VR Gear Samsung makes an entirely credible experience.
Virtual reality allows a direct and participatory communication with the client, being the perfect hook to ensure the success of the project.
Send us an e-mail with your data to live in our office the experience of Virtual Reality.